![]() Former Library Worker Enters Plea Appearing in front of Newaygo County Magistrate John Morse in District Court, Georgia Kohlbeck entered a plea of not guilty Thursday morning through her attorney who reserved the right to a jury trial. With about 15 of her supporters in the courtroom Ms. Kohlbeck listened as Magistrate Morse read the charges against her consisting of... Dual Deaths On The Muskegon
By N3 News Team Two days of warm weather brought thousands to the river this past weekend but each day ended in tragedy. Saturday afternoon the body of a 34 year old man from Grand Rapids was found near downtown Newaygo. The man was reported to have been fishing off the bank and had entered the water, according to a press release by the Newaygo Police Department. “Newaygo Police Department was on scene a short time after the call went out and... ![]() Fremont Meijer Update Joint Planning Commission OK’s Zoning Change By Marianne Boerigter On Wednesday, June 22, the Fremont Community Joint Planning Commission met to consider rezoning parcels west of downtown Fremont as requested by Meijer, Inc. The parcels are described as approximately 40 acres at the northwest corner of Green and 48th Street, in Dayton Township. Meijer, Inc. is a regional store chain with its corporate headquarters in Walker. Founded in 1934 as a supermarket chain, Meijer is credited with pioneering the modern supercenter concept and... Pictured Below: Jermaine Galloway( a.k.a. Tall Cop) addresses the Dogwood crowd ![]() Tall Cop Makes Newaygo County Stop By N3 News Team On Tuesday morning Headway, the local substance abuse prevention coalition, brought Jermaine Galloway to the Dogwood Center for a workshop on the current youth drug-alcohol culture, the current clothing that serves as both part of the culture and for concealment purposes and recognizing indicators of drug use. “Tall Cop Say Stop” his dynamic three hour seminar featured a compelling power-point demonstration showing the vast number of innuendo-laden and... ![]() Commission Selects 2 For Vet’s Committee By N3 News Team The Newaygo County Board of Commissioners elected James Ware and Scott Adrian to serve four year terms on the Veteran’s Affairs Committee. The two, both veterans, were chosen among four candidates who applied for positions on the committee. The board heard from Sandy Clarke, candidate for the 100th District House seat currently occupied by Jon Bumstead whose time in office will be ending January 1st due to term limits. Commissioner Steve Johnson reported... Pictured Below: Board gathers for the meeting ![]() Library Board Continues To Be Divided By N3 News Team The Newaygo Area District Library Board held their first board meeting since the news that Georgia Kohlbeck, whose October firing set off a storm of controversy, was to be charged with embezzlement. About two dozen people attended the meeting where the division among board members that erupted regarding the continued employment of former Library Director Christina Golm in the months prior to her resignation once again surfaced. Board member Angie Chase wanted the situation regarding Ms. Kohlbeck to be placed on the agenda and... ![]() Art In Action Lives Up To Its Billing By Marianne Boerigter Creativity was the name of the game at NCCA-Artsplace “Art in Action” last Saturday in Fremont! Painting, creating, meeting professional artists, enjoying percussion music, performance art and perfect weather….all combined for a great event! The event’s special guest was “Word Girl”, from the PBS children’s television program, who greeted kids as they worked on their art projects and ![]() PALM Riders Stop In The Cloud By N3 News Team Over 750 cyclists spent Monday night on the football field at White Cloud High School Monday night as the school played host to the participants in the 35th annual Pedal Across Lower Michigan (PALM). The riders mounted on an amazing array of cycling options were on day 2 of the 6 day run across the Mitten having spent the previous evening in Whitehall and... ![]() Library Back In The News By N3 News Team With former Newaygo Library Director Christina Golm a few months removed from the post she left to direct Jamestown’s Patmos Library the controversy that raged during much of her short tenure seems to still be simmering. The library slipped back into the news when it was announced that Georgia Kohlbeck the librarian who was fired by Ms. Golm after being accused of...
Fremont Lanes
The Newaygo County Sheriff's Office is seeking help from the public to identify 2 Caucasian male suspects in the attached video who broke in to the Fremont Lanes bowling alley on 6/7/16 @6am. If you recognize these suspects, please message us through FB or call NCSO at 231-689-7303. ![]() Expo Provides Meals, Music and Information By N3 News Team The Senior and Caregiver Expo held Thursday brought a steady stream of folks to the Newaygo Middle School to take advantage of the information, giveaways, free meals and instructional sessions provided through the efforts of the Newaygo County Senior Coordinating Council. Joseph Fox’s Bird Watching breakout saw a number of avian enthusiasts enjoy some tips on spotting a variety of our winged wonders and... ![]() Rolling And Patrolling On The River By N3 News Team The days of over-the-top unruly behavior running the gamut from littering and trespassing to alcohol-fueled fisticuffs and outlandish acts of inappropriate actions too graphic to deserve mentioning here, began being considerably reduced when the Muskegon River Multi-Agency Task Force put river patrols into place two summers ago. Since then, according to many avid tubers and homeowners living alongside its... ![]() Gerber Steps Up For West Michigan Kids By N3 News Team In keeping with their mission to enhance the lives of our children The Gerber Foundation recently made grants aimed at supporting the types of services known to improve the chances for young people to be successful adults. The grants totaling $112,764 will help 18 organizations in West Michigan with their programs serving youth. The grants are primarily focused on early childhood services, mentoring, summer programming, and early literacy skills. Several grants were made to various camps for... And Let There Be Lights
By: Charles Chandler Many City of White Cloud residents are rejoicing today because their residential streetlights will be back in about a week and the City will get a significant refund with interest from Consumers Energy. Really? Yep, the lights are coming on and the refund is on the way! What the heck happened? Well, it’s complicated. On Monday, June 13 the White Cloud City Council was called into a special session with City Manager Lora Kalkofen and Consumers Energy’s Business Account Manager Erik Lathers and Area Manager Richard Houtteman. The managers presented the Council with a comprehensive memorandum containing the facts and figures along with a verbal explanation of how this turn of events had transpired. For those who were not here when the streetlights went out, a bit of the back-story may help explain why... Pictured Below: Jacob Herbert waits excitedly for his face to turn into Leonardo, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle ![]() Kids Day Brings Out The Crowds By Alexis Mercer “I want to be a Ninja Turtle!” said Jacob Herbert, a recent Kindergarten graduate from Newaygo, as he waited in line to get his face painted by Lysh Curnett from Choice One Bank at Newaygo’s Kids’ Day celebration on Saturday afternoon at Brooks Park. Face painting was just one of the many free highlights of the afternoon for the kids. Police, fire, road commission and emergency response vehicles lined the street. Kids were able to climb into the vehicles and see what each of them does. Justin Visser with the Newaygo County Sheriff’s Department had the County ATV and off-road bike there for kids to see, as well as informational handouts about... Pictured Below: Cyanne Schuitema creating a masterpiece at last year’s event ![]() Art In Action Brings Free Family Fun On Saturday, June 18 come out and bring the family for some great opportunities to experience art, percussion fun, and juggling! At NCCA-Artplace’s “Art in Action”, enjoy live entertainment and costume characters, drum to your own beat and let your creativity come out to play! This free family fun is open from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the Fremont Market Place Pavilion and NCCA-Artsplace. The day’s activities include special guest Kevin DePree from “Sound is Red” at 10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and Mat Emerick with... Pictured Below: BOC 2-Vern LeFeber receiving letter from Employee Committee Representative Kasi Ostyn ![]() Board Hears From Veteran Committee Candidates Vern LeFeber, a driver for the Commission on Aging was honored as the Employee of the Quarter at the Newaygo County Board of Commissioners regular meeting on June 8th. “Your warm and loving presence has been felt throughout the county and has affected many people,” read the letter from the Employee Representation Committee. “You are a great example of a county employee that has gone above and beyond your duties, as you continually serve our senior citizens with a smile and compassion, and take the initiative to help people in any way you can. Your sincerity shines in your work and good deeds.” The Board heard from 3 of the 4 candidates for positions on the Veteran’s Affairs Committee. Scott Adrian, Doug Lane and James Ware Jr. each spoke to their... ![]() Elon Howe At The Museum The Newaygo County Museum and Historical Society will be rolling out the latest installment of their popular Heritage Speaker Series on Wednesday June 15th when lifelong resident and local historian Elon Howe sheds some light on the rich history of Brooks Creek. Mr. Howe will take us back to a time when Brooks Creek was a major force powering the area’s early economy and reveal the ghostly... ![]() Parks Director Welton Resigns By N3 News Team The Newaygo County Parks Board accepted the resignation of Park Director Ron Welton at their meeting on Tuesday morning after coming out of a 40 minute closed session with County Administrator Chris Wren who then delivered a recommendation for termination effective immediately. Mr. Welton asked for and received permission to resign an action the board unanimously approved after rescinding a motion supporting termination. While board members were quick to praise the work Mr. Welton has done with regard to improving the parks system, many reported concern over the lack of... ![]() Race For Sheriff Related To Suspension BY N3 News Team Newaygo County Sheriff Pat Hedlund released a statement Monday stating “Recently it has come to my attention that a ranking member of this department may have violated election laws, department policies regarding the unauthorized release of departmental information.” Sources say the officer is Lieutenant Chad Palmiter, a long time member of the Department. The suspension comes less than a week after the resignation of... Pictured Below: Haz Mat crew at work ![]() Getting Rid Of What We Don’t Need By N3 News Team The Department of Public Works puts on an annual hazardous waste collection day each year as part of a county-wide effort to dispose of potentially harmful materials as well as items damaging to the environment. Saturday the Road Commission garage saw a steady stream of vehicles come through the doors to drop off paint cans solvents, chemicals, batteries, light bulbs and lots and lots of tires. A large group of volunteers emptied the cars and trucks as they rode through to separate and safely ready the collected items for disposal. When N3 visited many elected officials were on board with commissioners Larry Lethorn, Chris Ortwein, Steve Johnson, and Chuck Trapp joining Prosecuting Attorney Bob Springstead, County Clerk Drew Robinson, and... Pictured Below: Lillian Ferrier gets a lesson from her Dad ![]() A Legacy of Fishing & Fun By Ken DeLaat The scene at White Cloud’s Mill Pond was nearly perfect with sunny skies, a slight breeze, and the sounds of hundreds of kids excited to cast their lines for fish and prizes at the Annual Russell H Gilbert Kids Free Fishing Day Saturday. This event draws families from throughout the region and beyond and is supported by a loyal and ever-growing group of contributors from businesses to families to individuals as well as an ocean of dedicated volunteers. There were 200 cash prizes waiting the more fortunate fisher folks who would reel in one of the tagged fish, a large table of other prizes, donuts and drinks for participants, and a lot of... Pictured Below: Officials gather to hear Candidates for Sheriff and County Clerk ![]() Township Association Hears From Candidates By: N3 News Team Candidates vying for Sheriff and County Clerk spoke to a meeting of Newaygo County Township officials on Wednesday night to share a little bit about themselves and why they are seeking office. Sheriff Pat Hedlund spoke of the changes made since his appointment to the office and emphasized that there would be further changes down the road for the department. He talked about a grant funded initiative involving increased recreational patrol and... ![]() Undersheriff Bryan Boyd resigned from the Newaygo County Sheriff’s Department on Tuesday May 31st. Mr. Boyd has been with the... Senior Expo Offers Facts, Fun
A dozen years ago the Newaygo County Senior Coordinating Council set out to put on an event for seniors and caregivers that would showcase the latest in information, services, and resources available in a ‘one stop’ setting. The first Senior and Caregiver Expo proved to be so popular that organizers decided to make it an annual happening. Since then it has grown into a much anticipated day of health screenings, informational classes, entertainment, and a wide variety of vendors while drawing a multitude of visitors each year. The 12th annual Senior and Caregiver Expo will take place on Thursday, June 16, 2016, from 8:30am to 2pm at Newaygo Middle School at 850 E. 76th St., in Newaygo (also known as Quarterline St.). The Brook a multi-level retirement community who opened their doors this past year in Newaygo and Community Home Health Care who provide a full range of... |
February 2025