The Right Place, Inc. and Newaygo County Regional Education Service Agency to host student tours for Discover Manufacturing Week
The Right Place, Inc is partnering with Newaygo County Regional Education Service Agency and five local employers to host student tours in honor of Discover Manufacturing Week. Discover Manufacturing Week, part of the national MFG DAY initiative, is a coordinated, regional effort designed to celebrate manufacturing and address common misperceptions about the industry. It gives manufacturers an opportunity to open their doors and introduce communities to modern manufacturing through facility tours, open houses, block parties, and more. By working together during and after the events, manufacturers will begin to address the skilled labor shortage, connect with future generations, take charge of manufacturing’s public image, and ensure the ongoing prosperity of the whole industry. Discover Manufacturing Week in Newaygo County will be comprised of 10 different tours and over 200 students. The tours will be held October 4th and 5th with the following five employers:
Saving A Local Sushi Sensation
“Don’t it always seem to go “That you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone?” -Joni Mitchell “Big Yellow Taxi” “Remember that great little place we used to go to? Well, I went past there today and they’re closed! Can you believe it? The food was great and it was a fun kind of place to go and we used to meet friends there all the time. I’m really going to miss it.” “Yeah, maybe we should have gone there more often?” A familiar lament in every town across the country begins, “Whatever happened to that one place......?” Well, what happened was that for whatever reason business slowed down. There exists what we at N3 World Headquarters and Butterfly Redemption Center would consider to be an epicurean gem in our midst. One of those singular spots specializing in providing innovative and appetizing options to the standard fare available in many eateries throughout our parts. We’re talking about Fuego, Grant’s gastronomical godsend where the food is downright delightful from the kitchen creations crafted from the culinary skills of Alex Luther and Stevie Milligan to the scrumptious sushi, a newly discovered dining delight for some and an ongoing culinary connection for others. A recent sojourn to the source of such satisfying sustenance brought to mind previous visits to this enticing eating establishment and the far too lengthy lapse between such visits.If you are like most folks in the area there may have been a little reluctance toward taking the time to drive to Grant this summer. There was, shall we say, a little bit of construction these past months.. You know, the kind that closes roads and creates detours, down time and sometimes moderately disturbed drivers. This very necessary infrastructure improvement event likely put a bit of hurt on all downtown businesses, but a big part of the food business is easy access. Folks want to get there and get out with a minimum of trouble which is probably why you don’t see any dining establishments located in the middle of roundabouts. And this past summer of road crews, big machines and plenty of dust put a bit of hurt on Fuego. Now they are stepping it up and looking to keep their enticing edibles coming out of the storefront eatery that exudes charm as well as some of the most intriguing and tasty food to be found in our parts. Fuego is is the kind of place that draws folks looking for more than a burger and fries, pizza or some form of smothered chicken. This is a gastronomical adventure and given the fine fare served up during our recent visit we at N3 encourage former patrons and those who have yet to experience Fuego to do so soon. Like this week. Because without Fuego the epicurean landscape of our area would be a little diminished. They don’t just make and sell food at Fuego. They deliver a dining experience to be savored. And now is a good time to grab hold of that experience. Here is a recent review from N3 contributor and fellow foodie Alexis Mercer: Fuego is located at 21 W Main in downtown Grant. For information or take out call 231.282.7151 or visit Fuego: A Fusion Kitchen on facebook Five former Grant High School football players competing at the next level
By Christi Evans Five Grant High School graduates are continuing their football careers at the NCAA Division 3 Level – one at Ripon College in Ripon, WI and four at Hope College in Holland, MI. Mason Lesley is a Freshman Offensive Lineman at Ripon College. He is pursuing a degree in Business Management. Ripon College is a member of the Midwest Conference, which also includes Beloit College, Cornell College, Grinnell College, Illinois College, Knox College, Lake Forest College, Lawrence University, Monmouth College, and St. Norbert College. Jared Evans is a Freshman Running Back at Hope College. He is pursuing a degree in Kinesiology/Exercise Science. T.J. Railling is a Freshman H Back at Hope College. He is pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering. Rylee Schultz is a Sophomore Linebacker at Hope College. He is pursuing a degree in business and economics. Cameron Wright is a Sophomore Offensive Lineman at Hope College. He is pursuing a degree in Biology. Hope College is a member of the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association, which also includes Adrian College, Albion College, Alma College, Calvin College (Calvin does not have a football program), Finlandia University, Kalamazoo College, Olivet College, and Trine University. College and Career Night Out Coming on October 4
College and Career Night Out 2018 will take place on Thursday, October 4 from 5-7:30 p.m. at Fremont High School. This fun, free event is open to all Newaygo County public, homeschool, and private high school students as well as parents, guardians, and adult students. Attendees will explore college and career possibilities and gather information on scholarships and financial aid. The event is hosted by WE CAN! Newaygo County, the local college and career access network, in partnership with Fremont Area Community Foundation. Free pizza will be available from 5-6 p.m. and attendees will be able to meet with college advisors and high school counselors in the cafetorium. Information sessions will begin at 5:30. From 6-7:30 p.m. in the large gym, attendees can meet with representatives from a wide variety of colleges, universities, trade schools, career training programs, and military branches. There will be opportunities to learn more about FAFSA, Michigan Works! West Central, Telamon, and scholarships available through Fremont Area Community Foundation and Gerber Foundation. Information about Early College Newaygo County, the Promise Zone, and the Newaygo County Career-Tech Center will also be available. Three information sessions will be presented during the event, from 5:30-6 p.m. Topics are: Finding Money for College College costs keep rising, but there’s a lot of financial aid out there! Come learn about college affordability options, from federal and state aid to community-based scholarship programs. How to Choose a College Unsure which college to attend? Newaygo County college advisors will lead a discussion to help guide you toward the school and career path that suits you best! Top Ways to Prepare for College While in High School Curious to know what a college is actually looking for in a high school student? Wondering you how might prepare for your next step after high school? Join a high school counselor and a college advisor as they discuss how to effectively use your time in high school to prepare for college. Learn about what colleges look for and how you can prepare, starting as early as a freshman, to set yourself up for success in college and beyond. Contact WE CAN! Newaygo County at 231.924.8857 with questions. More information—including a list of schools expected to attend the college fair—can be found at Family Health Care plans to register voters to celebrate the national holiday.
Baldwin– On Tuesday, September 25, 2018, Americans will celebrate National Voter Registration Day with a massive 50-state effort to register voters before Election Day this November. With midterms and governor races happening in a few weeks, every eligible American voter should exercise his or her right to be heard at the ballot box this year and next. National Voter Registration Day is the right place to start by getting registered. That is why communities across the country are planning to use National Voter Registration Day to increase voter participation. Thousands of national, state, and local organizations and volunteers will be the driving force behind National Voter Registration Day 2018. Partner organizations will coordinate hundreds of National Voter Registration Day events nationwide and leverage #NationalVoterRegistrationDay on all social media platforms to drive attention to voter registration and the midterm elections. Family Health Care is proud to be a National Voter Registration Day partner. On September 25, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Family Health Care will engage its community and register voters at the following locations: Baldwin – 1615 Michigan Avenue, Baldwin, MI 49304 Cadillac – 520 Cobb Street, Cadillac, MI 49601 Grant – 11 N. Maple Street, Grant, MI 49327 White Cloud – 1035 E. Wilcox, White Cloud, MI 49349 The effort’s website,, provides a listing of National Voter Registration Day events across the country. Founded in 2012, National Voter Registration Day is designed to create an annual moment when the entire nation focuses on registering Americans to exercise their most basic right – the right to vote. More than two million Americans have registered to vote on this day since the inaugural National Voter Registration Day. “When will they be here?” “Are they really coming or did they change their mind?” “Will it be the big size or like the one in Cedar?” “It’s not just the gas station right? There will to be a store and all, right?” These comments and many more have made the regional rounds since the announcement last year that Meijer was indeed coming to Fremont. After construction began this past spring with an eye to a projected April opening the coming of Meijer has been a hot topic. This has been particularly true on social media where rumors not merely bordering on bizarre but more like moving past the border and setting up residence in bizarre seem to abound. At N3 we recognize the anticipation awaiting the arrival of the West Michigan retail giant. There are those of us at N3WH who recall the frenzy accompanying the opening of their Cascade store. One article in the local paper portrayed a group of women dressed to the nines and having a celebratory champagne toast (or two) before heading out to the grand opening extravaganza that followed. Committed to an ongoing effort toward turning ridiculous rumors aside, the crack news team of N3 found themselves the fortunate beneficiary of a photo op to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the impending arrival of Meijer. We witnessed what might be the first of the wave of delivery trucks destined to unload their goods off Green street. And funny thing is, they must have made a wrong turn somewhere because it appeared they got stuck in last Thursday’s parade. Newaygo High School is proud to present the 2018 Homecoming Court. Pictured left to right: Freshmen representatives Emmerson Goodin and Gregory Hearth, Sophomore representatives Bradley Holmes and Haley Stefans, Junior representatives Quinn Hefferan-Nordlund and Carson Bush, and Senior representatives Zachary Rodriguez, Shea Russell, Breanna Marvin, Kade Bhuyan, Breyana Spencer and Dylan Moore.
The Homecoming Game will be held on October 5, 2018 with a 7:00 PM kickoff. The Annual Harvest Festival Parade, perhaps the preeminent of parading endeavors in our region of the Mitten, once again did not disappoint. Folks lined up early to get a prime spot along the downtown route and young ones came prepared with their bags at bay to await the time honored ritual known as the tossing of the candy.
There was a festive atmosphere in the air, and though the weather seemed summerlike the theme of the evening was autumn and the celebration of the harvest. Farm equipment from antique tractors to gigantic harvesters made their way down the avenue as a fitting representation of the extensive and vital agricultural community that thrives here. The creative floats from businesses as well as the high school homecoming varieties, the band, the various groups represented by those who walked with shirts and banners in support of their organization or cause, dancers, soccer players, footballers and cheerleaders of all ages, and that amazing stilt walker who after cruising through the entire route in those high steppers was witnessed striding back with stilts still intact all added to a memorable march Good weather, good times, good people. And from what I could gather from the reaction of Clara Sweers and Nora Howard a pair of pretty precocious 3 year olds? Good candy. Really?
Mattresses? Cans of paint and other solvents? Hunks of insulation? Is there someone out there who took a look at this stuff and said “I bet this can be recycled.” Come on folks we really, really have to do better when it comes to maintaining this invaluable service to our community. Good intentions mean nothing if you are uneducated about just what can be recycled and what cannot. It’s not that hard to learn just check out the guide available at the bottom of this article courtesy of the folks at Cart Right Recycling and then toss in a little common sense. For instance if the styrofoam box (Brooks site only) is full it is just as not ok to cram stuff alongside of it as it would be to tuck trash alongside your under-the-sink wastebasket when its full. If it is full it will be emptied soon so make plans to return instead of dumping it off and making it someone else’s problem. Recycling is an expensive effort and tossing in inappropriate stuff just compounds the expense and could lead to an end to the service and believe me having an awareness of how much plastic, cardboard, styrofoam, glass etc. is leaving our county each week there is no way you want to see it end up in a landfill or along the side of the road, or as in the case with tires and tvs in our precious national forest lands. We all agree recycling is necessary and needed so we need to do better. Messy unwashed stuff can render a load unusable. Items like pool covers, mattresses toilets, hoses, hunks of wood and more strange crap than you can possibly imagine will ultimately force an ending to the whole service. If you’re not sure it probably doesn’t recycle but Check The Guide for pity’s sake folks. We need to do better. Hope 101 Ministry, Inc. will be celebrating the completion of their second home, Mercer Home, on September 27, 2018, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. The celebration will begin with a ribbon cutting conducted by the River Country Chamber of Commerce, followed by a dedication and tour of the home. Mercer Home is located at 42 Washington, Newaygo. The public is invited to attend and see what a small group of volunteers can do, working part time, to get the home ready for occupancy.
The Mercer Home will soon be a temporary residence, up to 6 months, for a family in need of housing. Please stop in anytime between 4:00 and 6:00 to see Hope 101 Ministry’s newest home. The mission of Hope 101 Ministry, Inc., with the help of God is to provide safe, loving homes, offering Christian support, friendship and dedication to empower participants to reach beyond their circumstances to a place of stability and self-sufficiency. Hope 101 Ministry, Inc., is a non-profit 501(c)3 and is recognized by the IRS for its non-profit status. Parking lot work to begin Thursday night, end Monday at Gerber Memorial Multispecialty Clinic
FREMONT, Mich. (Sept. 19, 2018) – Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial will replace the parking lot outside the Multispecialty Clinic located at 230 West Oak, just south of the main hospital building in Fremont, with work starting Thursday night and ending early Monday, Sept. 24. “We look forward to replacing the parking lot and improving our facilities for our patients and visitors, especially when the work also improves safety for the people we serve,” said Brian Poll, Gerber Memorial facilities manager. “We wanted to be sure we did this work with minimal disruption to our staff and our patients, and we appreciate everyone’s cooperation and patience.” The work will start with replacement of the parking lot surface at the eastern-most one third of the lot outside MSC, moving on to the second third of the lot, and finishing with the final third, closest to the MSC building. The entire surface is expected to be covered in asphalt Sunday night, with the goal of completing the work on Monday. The work is generally dependent on the weather, Poll said. Gerber Memorial also plans to replace the parking lot outside the entrance to the Cancer Center and the Specialist Clinic, on the south side of the Multispecialty Clinic building. That work is slated for the following weekend, starting on Thursday, Sept. 27, and ending Sunday, Sept. 30, depending on weather. September 25 is National Voter Registration Day 2018
Family Health Care plans events to register voters and encourage participation in future elections. WHAT: At 9 a.m. on Tuesday, September 25, 2018, Family Health Care will host National Voter Registration Day 2018 events at its Baldwin, Cadillac, Grant and White Cloud locations as part of a massive 50-state effort to register thousands of voters. WHY: The goal for the 2018 National Voter Registration Day is to increase participation by encouraging Americans to register to vote and come out to the polls this November. “It is important to provide access for voter registration to our many patients that may not have the ability to otherwise travel,” says Kathy Sather, President & CEO of Family Health Care. As a nonpartisan “holiday” for democracy, National Voter Registration Day counts on thousands of partners and volunteers across the political spectrum. Started in 2012 for the presidential election, National Voter Registration Day is designed to create an annual moment when the entire nation focuses on registering Americans to exercise their most basic right – the right to vote. Americans can register at hundreds of events across the nation and online at Supporters can also follow National Voter Registration Day activities through social media on September 25 by searching #NationalVoterRegistrationDay. WHEN: National Voter Registration Day Tuesday, September 25, 2018 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. WHERE: Baldwin – 1615 Michigan Avenue, Baldwin, MI 49304 Cadillac – 520 Cobb Street, Cadillac, MI 49601 Grant – 11 N. Maple Street, Grant, MI 49327 White Cloud – 1035 E. Wilcox, White Cloud, MI 49349 Ed. note: We received this from our friends at the TWHRC and thought we’d pass along their invite to take a peek at the past while perusing the present day parade.
On Thursday, September 20th from 5:00p.m. to 9:00p.m. we will be hosting an Open House to celebrate our Members, volunteers, patrons and the local community. Visitors can meet our Board of Trustees and staff, explore our collection, and enjoy refreshments and a front row seat to the Fremont Harvest Festival Parade at 6:00p.m.We are family friendly and all are welcome! The Terry Wantz Historical Research Center - named in honor of late local historian Terry Earl Wantz - has been serving the Newaygo County community since opening in 2012. We offer a local history collection, free online genealogical databases, family history resources, and research assistance to the public. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit located at 30 East Main Street in Fremont. Parking and handicapped ramp are located at the rear building entrance. Our Vision is to promote the responsible preservation of historical and genealogical resources. We will collect, preserve and interpret documents, photographs and artifacts of our distant and recent past, while providing public access to our collection and resources. website: facebook: Michigan resident infected with Eastern equine encephalitis
LANSING– Health officials from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and Allegan County Health Department have confirmed an infection of Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) in an Allegan County resident. The individual was hospitalized in late August with a neurologic illness. EEE is one of the most dangerous mosquito-borne diseases in the U.S., with a 33 percent fatality rate. The disease can often leave survivors with lasting brain damage. The southwestern region of the state has experienced outbreaks of this mosquito-borne disease in people and horses in the past, with the most recent outbreaks occurring in the early 1980s, mid-1990s and 2010. This is the first human case reported in Michigan since 2016, when three people were infected. Mosquito-borne illness will continue to be a risk in Michigan until late fall when nighttime temperatures consistently fall below freezing. Michigan residents are reminded to protect themselves against mosquito bites. “There is still plenty of mosquito season left in Michigan,” said Dr. Eden Wells, MDHHS chief medical executive. “When outdoors, Michigan residents are urged to take precautions to protect themselves and their families from mosquito bites including using mosquito repellent and wearing long pants and long sleeves.” Horse owners should note that EEE can also cause neurologic illness in horses. However, vaccination can protect horses from infection with EEE. EEE is a virus of birds that is spread by mosquitoes near swamps and bogs. Human cases are rare, with only a few cases reported each year in the U.S. People who become ill with EEE may experience fever, headache, chills and nausea. In some cases, symptoms may progress to inflammation of the brain, signaled by disorientation, seizures and coma. Physicians treating patients with these symptoms should consider testing for EEE and other mosquito-borne viruses and should report suspected cases to their local health department. As a reminder, West Nile virus is continuing to cause illness in people across the state, with a total of 44 cases and two fatalities reported to date. WNV has also been identified in 149 mosquito pools, 115 birds and one horse throughout the state. Steps people should take to protect themselves include:
For updates on equine and human cases of EEE, WNV and other mosquito-borne diseases in Michigan, visit the Emerging Diseases website at Nestlé agrees to sell Gerber Life Insurance Co. to Western & Southern Financial Group
Nestlé today announced that it agreed to sell the Gerber Life Insurance Company ("Gerber Life"), to Western & Southern Financial Group for USD 1.55 billion in cash. Gerber Life is a highly recognized and trusted leader in the juvenile and family life insurance market, with statutory capital and surplus of approximately USD 285 million (as of June 30, 2018). The business had sales of USD 856 million in 2017. The deal allows Western & Southern Financial Group to market insurance products under the Gerber Life brand. The transaction does not include Nestlé's Gerber Products business, a household brand in baby food and baby care, which Nestlé will continue to develop. Nestlé CEOMark Schneider said: "We are delighted to have found an outstanding new home for Gerber Life at Western & Southern, where it will flourish as part of a larger financial services organization. This move is part of the ongoing evolution of our portfolio. It will allow us to invest further in our core food and beverage business and in consumer healthcare." The agreement follows Nestlé's announcement in February 2018 that it was exploring strategic options for the Gerber Life business. The transaction is expected to close in late 2018 or early 2019, following the completion of customary regulatory approvals and closing conditions. FREMONT– Insight Pregnancy Services, a provider of life-affirming education and support, had their Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at their new building in Fremont. This summer Insight Pregnancy Services moved their organization of 18 years from Newaygo to Fremont. It was an unexpected opportunity that the faith-based, pro-life organization turned into an expansion of its services to the community. This week, after a long summer of preparation and transitions, they had the grand opening of their beautiful new building located at 1007 W. Main St. Many people came out to tour the center. “It was a such a great success!” said Debbie Lamos, Executive Director. All the staff and volunteers of Insight Pregnancy Services are looking forward to what the future holds. Thousands of families of Newaygo County have been served by the work of this organization, and now with the move to Fremont, even more will be able to access these important services. About Insight Pregnancy Services: Insight Pregnancy Services, a 501(c) (3), provides education and support to both women and men who are facing an unplanned pregnancy with: pregnancy tests and options counsel, parenting and adoption support, the Insight 4 Dads program, healthy relationship education and support and post abortion and other sexual trauma recovery support. All services are free and confidential. For more information visit: or find us on Facebook and Instagram. Max Morrison hops a bike to support environmental groups
Crikey, mate! Max Morrison, a 2009 Fremont High School grad and 2013 Alma College grad, has embarked on an epic bicycle ride through the North and West of Australia. Living in Australia since December 2017, on a work/travel visa, he has been working on farms in the states of Victoria and New South Wales in the South and East of the country. In July he purchased a bike and rode a bit over 1100 kilometers from Sydney, north to Brisbane on his first solo, long distance trip. A lifetime lover of nature and the environment, Max decided to head to the Northern Territory of Australia and embark on a 4000+ kilometer bike ride to raise money for three environmental groups – The West Michigan Environmental Action Council in Kent County, The Ecology Center of Ann Arbor, and the World Wildlife Fund of Australia. He set off on August 16th and will be bicycling for some 50 or 60 days traveling from Darwin to Perth, pitching his tent where he can along the route and finding food, water, and supplies along the long, hot journey. He is bicycling through some incredible country – from lush swampy areas with crocodiles and swarms of mosquitoes to the dusty, dry outback where he’s likely to see more kangaroos than human along the way. Max has created a GoFundMe page for donations to help him reach his goal of $5000 to support this effort and give monies to the three chosen non-profits. Alternately for those who do not use online donation sites, checks can be made in his name and sent to his parents, John and Kathy Morrison 6128 S Maple Island Rd Fremont, MI 49412. He also has started a blog to journal his experiences and keep us up to date. (Links are below) For those of you who know Max, he has a huge heart and courageous spirit. When you see a bike go by in the next few months, keep Max’s journey in mind and give him a thumbs up. To Max, best of luck on this colossal undertaking to do good in the world and as the Aussies say, “Good on you, mate!”! Photos by Dale Twing
The Meijer project in Fremont continues to bustle along toward an anticipated April opening. The impending arrival of the retail giant with West Michigan roots has piqued the interest of our readers as it begins to take shape west of town. FREMONT– Insight Pregnancy Services, a provider of life-affirming education and support, will be having the Ribbon Cutting Celebration of their new location in Fremont on September 11, 2018 from 10:00-11:00 am. The Ceremony will be followed by refreshments and tours of the new building. An additional open house for the public will be held on Sunday, September 30th. The media and public are invited to both events. Insight Pregnancy Services provides education and support to both women and men who are facing an unplanned pregnancy with: pregnancy tests and options counsel, parenting and adoption support, the Insight 4 Dads program, healthy relationship education and support and post abortion and other sexual trauma recovery support. All services are free and confidential. For more information visit: or find us on Facebook and Instagram. Print Shop to hold open house Saturday Are you ready? There’s a new kid in town. The Original Print Shop has been drawing the interest of Fremont folks as well as those who frequently pass through the town’s main drag ever since word got out about a new business taking up residence in the old hardware store. The outside mural, the new signage gracing the front door and the stream of craftsmen venturing through the doors to rework the building interior elicited some serious interest from a curious community and now the transformation has been completed. A printing place? A stop-off to get copies made perhaps? Maybe a few signs on occasion? What might be so special about a print shop? This latest addition to Newaygo County’s business landscape is no ordinary printing place. It is indeed no ordinary business. The Original Print Shop is an eclectic pool of talent with the creative capacity to turn your wishes into reality. A venue that serves to supply a seemingly endless array of ideas and images delivered with the kind of personal touch that will bring folks back to their proving grounds again and again. On Saturday September 15th from 10am - 4pm the community can share in the experience known as The Original Print Shop when the store holds its official Grand Opening. The chance to witness this compelling partnership of talent and technology forged together to create The Original Print Shop. This is a place where your imagination can run wild while getting an assist in designing and developing the details. Partnering with a skilled staff known for providing exceptional customer service and dynamic products.
From those handsome stemless wine glasses, elegant champagne flutes and classy looking tumblers to quality coffee mugs and an array of other personal hydration items the shop has the glassware type goods to go with your ideas. Need some apparel for that special occasion or have an plan for personalizing a sweatshirt? Maybe you want to see a favorite portrait or photo come alive in some other incarnation? A set of journals for book club members to share? A team or club to outfit? A banner for a party or event? Looking for a memorable plaque or decorative wooden box? How about a pair of flip flops with a photo or special message emblazoned on the top and/or bottom? Get the picture? The possibilities here are endless with distinctive products and artful methods of capturing your inspirations. This shop will change the way you experience print and open up a world of possibilities. Intrigued? Come to the open house on Saturday. You will not be disappointed. |
February 2025