The Suggestion Box: What’s Happening In The Near North N3 Entertainment Team Ok folks, couple of things about this weekend. First off it is the grand finale of the treasured month of July, the jewel in the crown of a Michigan summer that has brought us a 31 day run of warm weather fun. Sure, it’s been rather hot and humid (weather I confess to having a bit of partiality toward) and even more heated than the weather has... ...been the onslaught of political nonsense from the national conventions to the local social media wars.
Besides now the conventions are over so folks like me who value a little 11 o'clock news (when slumber is capable of being delayed that long) tend to get just a tad ticked when modern day history interrupts that pre-sleep peek at possible patterns of weather. Now I can rest easy that Ellen Bacca, Emily Kennedy, Kyle Underwood and their counterparts will be giving me that next day forecast as I drift into dreamland. And on Tuesday….. This Tuesday….. August 2nd Tuesday…the primary election will be held and the results should pretty much diminish the fanning of fomenting furor and one can only hope the nattering nabobs of negativism (Thanks Spiro) navigating the net will accept the results and move onto more pressing local issues. Like maybe photos of dogs and cats who have been found wandering about and in need of finding their lost owner or securing a home- perhaps one of the best uses of local social media I can imagine. Ok, first off if you want to see what a lot of youthful talent, hard work and dedication can produce get yourself to the Dogwood for either then Friday night or Saturday afternoon performance of Alice in Wonderland by the Dogwood Summer Youth Theater. Those who have been involved in theater at any time in their lives can most likely attest to the magical feeling of being part of a production from the stage personnel, to the lighting and sound crew to the actors who find themselves on the boards in front of a live audience. The experience is as educationally valuable as any to be had and these kids are more than deserving of seeing the fruits of their labors appreciated so how about a little community support for the future of community theater? Especially since admission is free (though contributions are more than welcome of course), the show can be enjoyed by the whole family, and it’s going to be raining off and on so a little indoor entertainment in a stunning facility is just the ticket. Friday’s performance begins at 7:30pm and Saturday’s is at 3pm. Come out and see some of our budding thespians tell the magical story of Alice and be prepared to come away with a smile and a deep appreciation for what a group of our community’s kids can accomplish when given the opportunity to shine on stage and behind the scenes. And on a more food related angle we at N3 World Headquarters and Corn Consumption Capital are amidst the yearly celebration of that sumptuous seasonal delight known as Home Grown Sweet Corn. Yes, while in the week or two previous there had been a sprinkling of some early strains around and about, this, my friends, is the very heart and soul of the season that captures everything that is right with the world and puts it on a cob for your gastronomical glee. Ok maybe a little overstated but seriously, if you’re one who eschews the faux corn we are subjected to much of the year and savors the stopping off at a roadside stand or farmer's market to procure the genuine article it’s time has arrived. Most aficionados of the amazing maize have their favorite spots around the county or a preferential produce peddler plying their wares at a local market (Fremont-Saturday and Tuesday, Newaygo-Friday and Grant-Tuesday). Folks remain loyal to their keepers of the corn for the most part, but when that old itch hits and you find yourself in need and miles from your chosen site the siren call of sweet corn will allow you to discover the nuances in taste each plot of land produces. My two trips this week to my personal Mecca of maize known as the Kokx Farm resulted in a personal MWC (meals with corn) count of five (3 dinner, a late snack and a breakfast) as of Friday morning and will require another trek toward the western border of our fair county to stock up for the weekend. And this is still the early part of a flood of fruits and veggies exploding in our area so take advantage of Mom Nature’s best and get down with some local grown eats friends and neighbors. Holton Days is happening this weekend in, of all places, Holton. Cruise through the downtown vendors check out the kid’s games and the entertainment tent always provides a wide variety of acts including the Cedar Creek Cloggers Saturday afternoon. N3 is both well acquainted with and mightily impressed by the CCC since a key member of the household can frequently be found engaging in the flashy flying footwork this lively group generates. And no, it’s not me. So there you have it for this weekend’s highlights. A little theater, a little good eating and one of those great small town celebrations that dot the landscape this time of year. Now get out there and embrace this beautiful wondrous entertaining and highly edible time of year. Footnote: For local coffee cravers another option awaits as Biggby’s is set to open its doors (and presumably drive up window) on Monday in Fremont. All you Caramel Marvel and White Lightning lovers out there are about to see your caffeinated lives altered significzntly. Comments are closed.
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Categories“We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it.”
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