...taken to the practice field at area schools, and networks are touting their latest run of new (well, rehashed redone revised and redundant) shows.
Yes, while you might complain about our sweltering summer (personally love this kind of weather) soon the leaves will be kicking in with the cascade of colorful collages we are gifted with each fall as a gentle way to segue into the often elongated visit from Old Man What’s his name. But, hey, we’ve still got a nice bit of ‘summertime and the livin' is easy’ left in us so before beginning to lament our all too brief annual fling with the warmest of our four glorious seasons let’s hop to and grab what we have left. At N3 World Headquarters and Pontoon Palace a little boat time will be on the agenda should the weather play out as it has promised with perhaps an onboard nap, a little swimming and the obligatory consumption of snack food such adventures require (nothing beats a little cheese and crackers on the high seas of Hess Lake). We’re looking at the strong possibility of some much needed rain but word has it the wet stuff will be somewhat sporadic so timing will be an important factor in outdoor fun this weekend. As for goings-on in our community? Here you go. Friday afternoon would be a great time to get to the farmers market in Newaygo’s Brooks Park. The market is populated by some really cool people including the Diamond View Farm folks with their impressive display of great looking produce, John Mellema who always has a nice collection of veggies and fruits to go with the pleasant array of plants, and Salle Haverkamp whose booth is a true foodies’ find with a remarkable assortment of edibles combined with the charming personality of the proprietor. After grabbing some goods for future grub, saunter over to Gala Gourmet where after a week’s sabbatical the bread-loving community will be welcoming a new arrivals from Laughing Tree Brick Oven Bakery. If you know about this magnificent manna you’re already planning to be there for the late afternoon delivery but should you be a novice to what N3WH & PP calls ‘The Best Bread Around Anywhere’ give it a try. And while you’re there check out cooking craftswoman and N3 correspondent Terrie Ortwein’s framed articles she has penned so articulately for our readers. Saturday the river-loving stewards from the Muskegon River Watershed Assembly (MRWA) are putting on a free workshop to help educate and enlighten folks about the wonderful waterway that pours through our community’s landscape. The Mighty Mo is a true treasure to be cherished and this free program (thank you Fremont Area Community Foundation folks) will focus on how we can each do our part to help it remain the vibrant force it has been since way before the first tube entered its waters. The program runs from 9am to noon (registration starts at 8:30am) so there’s plenty of time to get your summertime fun in during the afternoon. Oh yes, and it’s rumored there will be coffee and donuts on hand and we call that a huge bonus. NCRESA’s Center for Agri-Science and Career Advancement (CASCA) is the setting for this ecological entertainment. It’s the former Providence Christian building on M-72 east of Fremont and attending will also give you a chance to see the neat way the school has been transformed into its new identity. If you’re an aficionado of the Southern Gospel sound head to Veteran’s Park in Fremont Sunday for a concert that begins at 6pm. The Rob Mills family and The Thurston’s will be serving up some spiritual sounds with a little musical ministry so bring your lawn chair and hunker down for a little outdoor summer evening listening pleasure. Ok Near Northians there you have it. Highlights of another wonderful weekend in our little sector of The Mitten. Now get out there and revel in the glory of our Newaygo County Summer. “Some of the best memories are made in flip flops.”-Kellie Elmore Comments are closed.
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February 2025
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