Suggestion Box: Memorial Day Weekend By N3 Entertainment Squad Let The Revelry Begin! We made it folks. We have arrived at the very cusp of summertime and in the way things just seem to somehow work out for the best we begin with a 3-Day weekend. What a break, huh? We at N3 World Headquarters and Visiting Cat Condo were unanimous in our opinion as to what should be in this week’s Suggestion Box. Go After It. That’s it. Just go get it. Grab the weekend by the shorts and... ...ride that puppy into a feast of fun. Your options are never unlimited contrary to what people sometimes infer but they certainly are vast..
Of course there are the downtown doings in Newaygo sure to attract the crowds to the park and and the sidewalks will be welcoming shoppers as well. Evenings in Rivertown are always a pretty good time with a fine selection of eateries and watering holes and generally the opportunity to find a little music in a place or two. While each possesses their own distinctive atmosphere there is the common theme of congeniality existing between those who are passing through, those here for a visit, those who enjoy the area part time and those of us fortunate enough to call this wonderful region our home. Make some dinner and/or lunch plans to visit our local establishments once or twice this weekend. These days ahead, while not perhaps free of meteorological twists look to have a modicum of pretty good weather so we’re advocating some outside play time. Bike, hike, or even swim if a bit more daring than most or a veteran of the polar plunge they once held in Hess Lake. One of the residents of N3WH is a three time veteran of the plunge plus a frequent April swimmer and she has yet to go for a dip however there has been an eyeing of the water lately so the first of the season is imminent Kayak down the White, canoe down the Muskegon, tube if you’ve a mind to.. Our rivers are bustling along these days so cautionary note about floatation devices inserted here. Go fishing (get a license first), or maybe do a little sailing or motorized boating. Try out a stand-up board. Resurrect the cornhole set, the bocce balls, the lawn darts,... what?....Oh, you know, the game whose popularity plunged when the metal darts were banned. I won’t mention horseshoes because those who play the game in earnest began their season about the time golfers did, like say a 50 degree day in late January or so. Play tennis, play pickleball, play catch for pity’s sake. Just play. Whatever your idea of fun is get after it because it’s been a long time coming and you deserve it. Then on Monday attend one of our area’s Memorial Day services. Because on that day, those whose memory we so solemnly honor… Truly deserve it. Comments are closed.
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