![]() The View From Here: Social Media Metamorphosis By Ken DeLaat Wow! I just gotta say, that’s something I never thought of before. Never looked at it from that angle but the way you (or, uh, whoever’s post that is you’re sharing, I mean) put it into words has absolutely altered my whole way of thinking on it. Before reading this I was content just to sit here on social media and hold onto my own opinions, the ones I have formed over the years through personal experience and personal preferences when it comes to anything political, but this post…. this post.... holy mackerel, it is so eloquent and... ...spot on that my entire outlook on this has changed and I see I was merely deluded before.
Your articulation of this issue (or rather that of the creator(s) of the post, but hey it was you that found it and reposted, right?) along with the many likes and comments not only solidified the change in my convictions but adequately silenced those people who were in disagreement. I mean, hey, even if it did take some childish yet fiendishly clever name calling and, well, maybe a more vicious verbal exchange or two, but that shut the front door stuff played out so beautifully from your side and dwarfed any rebuttal from my old side that I gotta tell you it nearly brought tears to my eyes it was so masterful. I cannot thank you enough. Had I not stumbled onto this particular posting I may have never seen the light. It has truly turned my thinking around and I am not only indebted to you, but applaud you for having the good sense to be on the proper side of things. I only hope I can undo any damage I might have done when my beliefs were different and I posted things that most likely convinced many of those on your side (our side now) to defect. I’m sure this will be attainable with the help of you and your like-minded group to guide me. Again, my deepest appreciation as well as my acknowledgement that while I have spent all these years stumbling along with my own beliefs, you and those who think like you have had the good wisdom to know the truth all along.......... SAID NO ONE. EVER. “We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media; the question is how well we do it.”-Eric Qualman Comments are closed.
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