The View From Here: Of Last Minute Shopping And The Great Elf Shortage Of 2016
By Ken DeLaat When word came into N3 World Headquarters & Poinsettia Palace regarding the necessity of being in our regions fair metropolis to the south for a meeting Thursday it was decided to brave the masses and see what was happening in some of the popular Grand Rapids shopping emporiums. To drink in a bit of Pre-Christmas activity when crunch time has arrived and desperation rules. I steered clear of the malls because they feel all too similar to a major airport where a sea of anonymous citizens meander about at varying speeds under eerie lighting without a single trace of happiness in their countenance. Years ago I accompanied my daughter, Lesly to the mall in what must have been... ![]() The View From Here: Lamenting Lighting Limitations & Mulling Lava Lamps By Ken DeLaat It was Saturday afternoon at N3 World Headquarters and Christmas Village Construction Site and mutterings of consternation were trickling down from the impending village grounds that occupied the area upstairs from where I was reposing. Not napping mind you. With rare exception my naps tend to only occur when our boat is anchored and I’m lying in the lounge seat having attempted in vain to read more than 3-4 pages before drifting off. All things being what they are, meteorologically speaking, it was looking to be some time before that was to happen again. There was a football game on the tube with no interest attached to it save the wintry weather descending on the teams vying for the Division II Championship. I semi rooted for the team from Missouri because... ![]() Bay Leaf To Bid Adieu? By Ken DeLaat Here’s why Buy Local is so important Bay Leaf Books, the hands down best bookstore I have ever been privileged to enter, is closing. And believe me they will be sorely, sorely missed. Having spent a lifetime of hunting for and exploring used book emporiums there was a good deal of excitement when Bay Leaf moved their location from downtown Sand Lake to downtown Newaygo. If you’ve spent any time at all in these venues you know that the quality of merchandise at times can be rather, uh....I guess varied might be the word, from store to store. Years ago when these places were popping up all over the Grand Rapids area LSC (Lifetime Spousal Companion) Lil and I... ![]() The View From Here By Ken DeLaat It’s been a rather topsy-turvy time. I mean, we're in a year when anything can happen right? After all in one of the biggest surprises ever we saw a victory that few ever thought could ever occur. There are many, including myself that would have never given a prayer for this phenomenon to take the country by storm like it did and have an unlikely candidate emerge with a surprising win. A triumph that... |
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