![]() Letter To The Editor: COA Thanks Voters Dear Newaygo County Voters, The Newaygo County Commission on Aging extends sincere thanks and deep appreciation to the voters of Newaygo County for their support of the 2017 – 2026 millage renewal and expansion. We are now better equipped to... ![]() Up North And Personal: The Great Divide By Ken DeLaat There are no more disagreements I fear. Instead there are chasms of unrelenting divisiveness creating a discomforting ‘us and them’ mentality throughout the land I love. This is not earth-shaking news by any means. The rift has always been there to some degree. Look, in a democracy we’re allowed, nay even encouraged, to disagree. It is the very dialogue of dissimilarity and exchange of ideas that... ![]() A Few Minutes With…..Kelly Smith-Newaygo County Road Commission Manager It has been said there are but two seasons in Michigan, winter and road construction. Since there’s no snow afoot and a scattering of orange barrels about one can assume we are in the latter season and while these initiatives can be... ![]() Guest Article: Dark Sky Parties Pique Interest In Science By Ned Hughes One of the most important aspects of being a volunteer is to be involved with a project that has a lasting impact on the community, especially on its youth. For the last eleven years it has been my pleasure to be a member of the Newaygo County Dark Sky Astronomers. As such, our group has conducted over 120 public star parties at the SF Wessling Observatory, located on... ![]() Guest Article:Compassion Home is Moving Closer to Goal A few months ago we shared our story of The Newaygo County Compassion Home for the Terminally Ill (aka The Compassion Home) beginning the first phase of fundraising here in Newaygo County. We publically got the word out that for 3 years now, a group of nurses and other health professionals, have been working diligently on this project to establish an End of Life Home right here in Newaygo County where people in the final stages of their lives can have care and... ![]() It’s A Family Affair By Ken DeLaat We were sitting around at the cottage owned by my fairly older sister Sue and her husband enjoying our annual reunion. Well, more like a sometimes annual if we all can make it happen and be in the same state at the same time and someone makes the effort to organize stuff and all and I don’t know, you just have to know my family. The practice started but four years ago although... ![]() Up North And Personal: Mechanical Uprising By Ken DeLaat It started with the washer. First off I am not a fix-it guy in any way shape or form. I often say that my array of tools consists of a large hammer an ample supply of duct tape and the phone. Mostly I tend to go with the phone. When the washing machine began to make this rumbling noise it had not been known to utter before, I employed my usual strategy involving such things by ignoring it in the hope it was just an anomaly. Perhaps just a little... When we said no more……..
N3 Editorial Team We meant of course, no more letters, no more new ads, no more requests to post ‘articles’, etc. It did not mean we would stand mute the day before our community goes forward to figure out who will assume the mantle of office (barring a colossal influx of registered Democrats into the county between now and... |
Letter to the Editor PolicyNear North Now welcomes original letters from readers on current topics of general interest. Simply fill out the form below. Letters submissions are limited to 300 words. Archives
February 2025
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