Ready To Vote? Registration Deadline Draws Near By N3 Editorial Team Had enough yet? Under any circumstances national elections are more than a tad trying and this year is anything but an exception. The debate took on the flavor of a heavyweight fight despite efforts on the part of announcers to liken it to the Super Bowl. Ads are always brutal this time of year but it’s been... media that has exploded. Users have erupted in a barrage of blocks, unyielding unfriending, name-calling, intelligence questioning and the posting preposterous postulations all in a misguided and utterly futile attempt to sway folks their way.
Well, we’re almost there and one hopes some of these fractured friendships can be repaired down the line when the process of the losing party blaming everything on the winning party right through to the next election cycle begins. After all political preferences, no matter how misguided they may seem, are only a small part of who we are, correct? Our editorial team at N3 expects you’ll want to be voting after all the ranting and raving so here’s the skinny. You’ve got until October 11th, (that’s next Tuesday) to register or update your address at any Secretary of State office, or at their county or local clerk's office. Not sure if you’re registered? You can check your registration status at the Michigan Voter Information Center at You also can view your sample ballot if your community is holding an election as well as find your polling location and track your absentee ballot. Think you might need an absentee ballot? Well, here’s the scoop on those. .As a registered voter, you may obtain an absentee ballot if you are:
Those who wish to receive an absentee ballot by mail must submit the application by 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 5. So check your schedule, confirm your voting status and get out there and vote people. The best turnout is usually around 60% and that means 2 of every 5 registered voters don’t even bother to make the effort to engage in the democratic process, thus leaving these decisions to those who do. And if your candidate wins or loses take solace in the wonderfulness of November 9th when we will get a bit of a break from Presidential races. We figure it should last a couple of months at the outside but, hey, We’ll take a respite from this nonsense whenever we can get it. “Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.” ― Abraham Lincoln Comments are closed.
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