Let’s vote!
August 7 are the Primary Elections. Newaygo County is famous for a low voter turnout in the primaries - barely over a quarter of our registered voters take part. Very sad! August 7 is our first opportunity to have a voice in who we want to represent us in the general elections in November. We shouldn’t whine on November 8 if we didn’t do our part on August 7. You do not have to be a registered the any political party to vote on August 7. Newaygo County neighbors! Let’s vote 50! Let’s come out of the woods and crawl out of our nooks and crannies to get at least half of us, 50%, to vote on August 7! Between now and July 9let’s ask all of our friends, neighbors and coworkers if they are registered to vote (the deadline to register in order to vote in August). And let’s get a promise from all our friends, neighbors and coworkers to vote on August 7. Let’s get at least 50% of our registered voters out on August 7! If you need to register to vote in the primaries, you must do that by July 9. The Newaygo County Democratic Party has Voter Registration Applications and will help everyone from ANY or NO party affiliation to register. Stop by 26 W. Main St, Fremont, or Call 231.709.9007. NewaygoCo50 Vote! Sally Wagoner Registered and Active Voter Comments are closed.
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