Another way to get “Hey Did You Hear...?” into social media without reprisal
Nothing like a good cemetery stroll. No not at midnight during a full moon because while that can be fun, it's kind of late and it’s kind of dark, and truthfully a bit weird particularly on a first date with someone who says it's the only place they really feel complete...but that’s a whole other story from another era. History buffs or anyone who might have a bit of curiosity about the yesterdays of our beloved county seat will need to mark this one down. The fine folks at the history department of the nearly world famous White Cloud Library have put together a program for this coming Sunday that will include some speakers and a guided tour pointing out the most notable of those who reside on the hill heading west out of town. Call the library for details. 231.689.6631 Going to the Climate March on Saturday, September 14 at Brooks Park? No, you’re not because that event has been cancelled. However (and this is important) You are encouraged to come to the Thursday, September 12 meeting of Citizens Environmental Watch & Action Coalition, 6pm, Brooks Township Hall, Newaygo. Q & A on Recycling will highlight the meeting with Lola Harmon-Ramsey taking the queries. Poetry Slam night at Flying Bear this week Wednesday September 4, 7pm features Bitely poet...and yes we said Bitely poet... Alan Basting doing some readings as well as the other odistic endeavors by some of the regular rhymers. We haven’t made it there yet despite plans to do so but have heard from a number of people who enjoy the opportunities the slam presents for sharing their readings from free verse to sonnets to haiku. Mammograms. Hesperia. Important. Nice letter Julie Burrell. The Dublin General Store has been an up north icon forever.They pre-date the infamous Flea Roast Ox Market of nearby neighbor Irons which began in the mid 1970’s by nearly 40 years. We traveled to that area recently and stopped in for old times sake having frequented the site in the past. It was as impressive as ever and apparently evolved into the jerky Mecca of the North with a satellite store in Grandville. Yes, Grandville. A city that truly bears no resemblance to the woodsy yet regal region round Dublin and Dublin, thankfully, doesn’t have a huge castle-like structure either. But we digress. Now here we are just a couple weeks later and it not only burns to the ground but those nasty two words ‘foul play’ make their appearance according to reports from presumably reputable sources. While we’re certain this will provide cannon fodder for the conspiratorial clowns who prowl social media in hopes of gaining relevance through controversy, it is our hope most folks opt to ignore them rather than feeding into their clarion call to engage in one of their social media slap fights. And we hope the store returns as soon as possible because when it comes to getting your hands on their fine jerky a drive to Grandville just doesn’t match up to northbound cruise up m-37.. Once you get past the bridge of course. Netflix recommendation of the week : The Kaminsky Method. 8 episodes, Alan Arkin and Michael Douglas. Sublime. We can’t wait for season 2. “Cemeteries are like a giant library of stories.” - A.L. Mengel, The Mortician Comments are closed.
February 2025