Board approves license agreement
By Ken DeLaat The Dragon Trail, the non motorized hiking and biking pathway winding more than 47 miles around Hardy{Pond took another step closer to becoming a reality when the Newaygo County Board of Commissioners accepted the license agreement with Consumers Energy allowing for the construction operation and maintenance of the trail.The project is shared with Mecosta County and will provide residents and visitors alike with a one of a kind adventure sports experience when completed. Commissioners heard a report from Valerie Frawley and Greg Hochstetler from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources about a proposed future purchase of land near Bridgeton that would be added to the Muskegon State Game Area. Former State Representative Jon Bumstead spoke during public comment in favor of the initiative. The Board approved a 2% wage increase for elected officials, department heads, unclassified employees and part time employees.Others, including the County Administrator correction officers and command, dispatchers and employees covered under the Teamsters union, will receive the same increase. Deputies and Command Unit (Sheriff) receive annual increases based on their collective bargaining agreement. Commissioners are not included in the wage increase and cannot vote themselves an increase. Commissioners also approved a change in personnel policies that will provide employees more flexibility with regard to time off doing away with annual leave and replacing it with PTO and vacation time based on accrual schedules. Administrator Chris Wren explained the old system was a deterrent to recruiting new employees and spoke to the county needing to be able to compete for good candidates In other business Commissioners placed Dan Graham and James Kloet on the Commission on Aging Board for three year terms. Administrator Wren reported that unemployment in Newaygo County is at 4.8% . The state is currently at 4.6% and the national rate stand at 4.5%. Comments are closed.
February 2025