Program offering free dinner, free child care.
“You can’t stop what you don’t know.” That is the message delivered by Jermaine Galloway who has been working to impact underaged drinking and drug use for over 15 years. His dynamic presentations help create awareness of the ever evolving drug culture trends that exist and thrive in our communities. His ‘Tall Cop’ (Galloway is 6’9”) talks have captivated audiences across the country and made a significant impact on those who attend. There are many hidden messages involved in the youth drug scene including clothing , logos, song lyrics , and potential ‘stashing’ places that remain unknown to parents, school personnel, law enforcement, and all who deal with youth on a regular basis. These symbols can be a way of identifying others who might be involved in similar patterns of use and provide an easy way to connect and gain access to drugs and alcohol. Newaygo County Commissioner (and former NC deputy) Bryan Kolk chairs the Headway Coalition, a local group of community members from healthcare, human services, and law enforcement who unite in an effort to curb substance abuse in our area. “After 32 years as a Deputy I went to one of his presentations and was floored by all the everyday drug culture that I had been overlooking. This is an event that should not be missed by any parent or school professionals that have an interest in our local drug problems. This is an eye opener.” On Wednesday March 13th Headway, NCRESA, Great Start Collaborative, and the local FAN group(Families Against Narcotics), is bringing Tall Cop to NCRESA’s Regional Center for Agri-Science & Career Advancement (5479 W. 72nd St). The cost? Free. Not only is there no cost for admission, but because these organizations realize how important this message is they are providing a free dinner and free child care in an effort to get parents and concerned community members to become educated and enlightened as to the danger signs that might be hiding in plain sight. Dinner is from 5-5:45pm, child care begins at 5:45pm, and the presentation is 6-8pm. Parents need to have as many resources as they can gather when it comes to combating the epidemic of alcohol and drug abuse among our youth and this presentation delivers some of the most valuable type of information to be had. “This is a great opportunity for parents to gain more information about keeping their kids safe from drugs and alcohol,” said Headway Coordinator Rachel Uganski. “Drug trends are changing rapidly and its important that we are informed on the latest trends.” Registration is now open at or you can contact Ms. Uganski at 231.652.3612 for more information. Comments are closed.
February 2025