White Cloud Athletic Boosters receive donation
White Cloud— At the November 12th meeting of the White Cloud Athletic Boosters (WCAB), Ron Wawsczyk presented WCAB member Erin Canning, along with Harry Stevens WCAB member and White Cloud School Board Vice President with a check for $4000 from the HarbisonWalker International (HWI) Foundation. The HWI Foundation is a charitable organization of Ron’s employer HWI (formally NARCO). They ask for nominations from their employees to give back to non-profit organizations where the company has operations and that its employees have donated their time, money or material. The money was generously donated through the WCAB to complete a scoreboard project that was started as a memorial for Ron’s wife Beth who passed away from breast cancer and was an avid softball volunteer in the community and White Cloud Varsity Softball. The scoreboard itself was purchased with generous donations in memory of Beth at the time of her passing. The donated money will help complete the project as well as other improvements. WCAB, Ron and the White Cloud Varsity Softball program would like to thank HWI and its Foundation for the generous donation and appreciates it vision and effort in helping non-profits in the communities that they operate. Comments are closed.
February 2025