Mattresses? Cans of paint and other solvents? Hunks of insulation? Is there someone out there who took a look at this stuff and said “I bet this can be recycled.” Come on folks we really, really have to do better when it comes to maintaining this invaluable service to our community. Good intentions mean nothing if you are uneducated about just what can be recycled and what cannot. It’s not that hard to learn just check out the guide available at the bottom of this article courtesy of the folks at Cart Right Recycling and then toss in a little common sense. For instance if the styrofoam box (Brooks site only) is full it is just as not ok to cram stuff alongside of it as it would be to tuck trash alongside your under-the-sink wastebasket when its full. If it is full it will be emptied soon so make plans to return instead of dumping it off and making it someone else’s problem. Recycling is an expensive effort and tossing in inappropriate stuff just compounds the expense and could lead to an end to the service and believe me having an awareness of how much plastic, cardboard, styrofoam, glass etc. is leaving our county each week there is no way you want to see it end up in a landfill or along the side of the road, or as in the case with tires and tvs in our precious national forest lands. We all agree recycling is necessary and needed so we need to do better. Messy unwashed stuff can render a load unusable. Items like pool covers, mattresses toilets, hoses, hunks of wood and more strange crap than you can possibly imagine will ultimately force an ending to the whole service. If you’re not sure it probably doesn’t recycle but Check The Guide for pity’s sake folks. We need to do better.
Kim Roehrig
9/21/2018 06:08:51 pm
An unsupervised site is not going to work. That should be very clear by now. For a good example of how to do this right look at Croton Township's transfer station.
gary c watkins
9/23/2018 05:38:24 pm
Everyone agrees that this is a problem but no one offers a solution. These unrecycleable items--what do you do with them. How about electronics? Everything from old TV's, computers, printers,etc. Places that at one time may have taken them now don't and I have been given names of places in Grand Rapids, etc. Come on, who is going to drive that far to get rid of these items. This is not just a local problem, it's a national, if not international problem. Comments are closed.
February 2025