Primary Election Day At Last! - N3 To Post Results N3 News Team If you’re reading this and haven’t voted, go vote. If you’re confused about the whole no split-vote this is a Primary where the candidates are pared down to one per party thus... ... it serves as a way for the two entities who hold power in our state to decide who will carry the party banner in the general election in November.
In our county, heavily weighted toward the GOP side of things with some 80% of our voters claiming allegiance to that brand, the primary more often than not tells the tale of who will cross the finish line first in November so like other parts of our country where one party has the dominant numbers a lot of campaigning is focused on this early August polling. And now the campaigns have been completed so if you haven’t voted Near Northians, time's a wastin’ and you have until 8pm to visit your polling place where the always friendly group of folks who work during these events will greet you with a smile and a ballot. The crack news team of N3 will be staying up beyond their usual bedtimes burning the midnight oil in an attempt to bring you the returns as early as possible. So take a peek when you get a chance and we’ll endeavor to deliver the results fresh from the County Clerk’s office. Oh, and did we remind you to take some time to get out there and vote if you have yet to do so? “Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.” - Abraham Lincoln Comments are closed.
September 2024