The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) of Fremont Area Community Foundation is accepting grant applications for programs that improve the quality of life for youth in Newaygo County.
Multiple grants of up to $12,500 are available to support programs impacting local youth. The group used the results of a needs assessment survey distributed in local schools to develop three funding priorities for the grants: H.E.L.P. (Helping Everyone Live Positively), social opportunities for youth, and continued educational opportunities. H.E.L.P. is focused on support for Newaygo County youth who face challenges with drugs, questioned sexuality, teen pregnancy, or poor home life. The social opportunities for youth focus aims to build and improve recreational and educational activities for local youth. The third and newest focus is on continued educational opportunities and seeks to provide youth with helpful skills to aid in their success in employment and leadership in Newaygo County. Grant applications will be accepted from nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and governmental entities providing programs and services impacting Newaygo County youth. Proposals are reviewed by YAC members and must be submitted online by March 1, 2018. For more information or to apply, visit Questions may be directed to Wes Miller at 231.924.5350 or [email protected]. Comments are closed.
February 2025