What it means for you.
NEWAYGO COUNTY, Feb. 19 – The Newaygo County Courthouse has recently been approved to move into Phase 2 again. This means that the Trial Courts will be able to facilitate a limited number of in-person hearings as approved by the presiding and Chief Judge. Jury trials may also be conducted if the Trial Courts meet additional metrics to do so safely in the community. Consistent with Michigan Supreme Court directives the Newaygo County Trial Courts must take every measure possible to protect the public and court personnel. If your business with the court can be handled via phone, fax, mail, or email, please continue to use those methods before coming to the courthouse. The public will be permitted into the building for in-person emergency and essential hearings, hearings where litigants have right to be present, or for limited in-person hearings approved by the presiding and Chief Judge. Emergency or essential functions involve the health, safety and Constitutional rights of the citizens of Newaygo County. If you make a visit to the Courthouse during this time staff may inquire about your business and provide guidance to limit exposures within the courthouse. Courthouse visitors permitted into the building for emergency and/or essential matters will continue to: • Complete a health screening and have their temperature taken prior to entry. • Wear a mask while in the building. • Adhere to six-foot social distancing markers in lobbies, hallways, and courtrooms. • Be prepared to wait outside, or in an alternate area, as advised by staff if common areas are too crowded until building occupancy is down and social distancing can be maintained safely. • Utilize hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to cleanse hands and public areas for their protection. All hearings that are not emergencies, essential, previously approved by judges, or where litigants have the right to be present will be conducted remotely via Zoom or teleconference as directed. It is preferred that filings be mailed, faxed, or emailed to the courthouse whenever possible. There is also a new drop box for non-emergency filings as you enter the courthouse. Please feel free to contact the correct court using the following information for more details on how to submit a filing electronically or if you require assistance with a remote hearing. Court sessions will continue to be live streamed via YouTube to provide public access. Please visit countyofnewaygo.com to find the Departments tab where the Courts tab is located. Please see the complete Local Administrative Order for Phase 2 for more complete details or contact the appropriate court using the information below: Circuit Court Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Phone: (231) 689-7251 Main Phone: (231) 689-7252 Fax: (231) 689-7015 District Court Email: [email protected] Phone: (231) 689-7228 Main Phone: (231) 689-7257 Fax (231) 689-7258 Probate Court Email: [email protected] Phone: (231) 689-7274 Main: (231) 689-7270 Fax: (231) 689-7276 Safety for the public and those working in the courthouse are of the utmost concern to the courts. We remain fully staffed within the courthouse at this time to assist you. We look forward to being able to expand access again soon. Hon. Robert D. Springstead Chief Judge Circuit Court Judge Newaygo County Trial Courts
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February 2025