Lola Harmon-Ramsey to present on September 12th
From our friends at CEWAC: We invite and welcome the public to attend the September 12th, meeting and special presentation hosted by CEWAC (Citizens’ Environmental Watch and Action Coalition) at Brooks Township Hall at 6 p.m. September's special presentation will be given by Lola Harmon-Ramsey from Cartright LLC. Her recycling hauling business is responsible for hauling recyclables for the county drop off sites, the city of Fremont, as well as local area businesses. The material her local business hauls, goes to the Kent County Recycling and Education Center, where they are sorted through an incredible process which you may like to view on this informational video: . Though the Kent County facility can separate the “single stream” materials (ie. all recyclables mixed together), the materials that go in have to be actually recyclable materials in the first place. No garbage, no diapers, no plastic without the recycling symbol, no food waste, etc. Lola will inform us of just what can and cannot be recycled and how to prepare it correctly for drop off or pick up as she shares the story of her and her husband, Mark Ramsey’s, journey into the recycling business thirteen years ago. There will be time for questions and answers. Have an item or two that you have been wondering about putting in the recycle bin but just weren’t sure? Bring it along and she will be able to help. Even the most seasoned recyclers have doubts or questions from time to time. Please put the 12th of September on you calendar and we look forward to seeing you there! Comments are closed.
February 2025