Hesperia Council frozen by truancy
As 7:30 approached the small meeting room began to fill and additional chairs were set up to accommodate the attendees. The two council membersCarol Kochans and Kristi DanBesten who resigned in writing since the last meeting no longer had their name plates on the table leaving the Council with just 5 members and only three had shown up thus far. Missing as they had been since the March 11 meeting were Gerald Derks Jr. and Mike Maynard. At the scheduled time Village President Mike Farber called the meeting to order asked the clerk Vicki Burrell to call the roll. And once again the meeting ended due to the lack of a quorum. Neither Derks nor Maynard ended their string of truancy leaving the citizens in attendance frustrated at the ongoing absences that have plagued the council and paralyzed progress in the town that straddles two counties. Farber spoke to the crowd after the meeting explaining once again that without resignations from the chronically absent members there is little that can be done to replace them. A couple of people spoke about plans to bring recall language to the county (Oceana) on Tuesday. Gina Yob who is part of a medical marijuana business set to open in Hesperia expressed her frustration since the vote for the ordinance to allow their business to go forward has been stymied by the lack of attendance. “We are losing money every day and implore you to do whatever you can to get these people to show up. These people should be beyond embarrassed and I think it’s a horrible thing they’re doing. Every single day we can’t do business next door jobs are being lost. There are jobs we want to give out to local people and have resumes on our desk but can’t because of this. Please, whatever you can do, whatever your friends can do, we would appreciate it.” More discussion ensued with people talking about expanding efforts with signage, calls to state officials, spreading the word to other community members and other strategies. Council member Jim Smith supported the efforts and also encouraged people to talk to the absentee members about it when they see them. “There is nothing we as a council can do, “ he stated. “It’s really up to the community.” And from the comments coming from the sampling of community members at the meeting it seems the community might be ready to do what they can. “I know if I had a job and didn’t show up I’d be fired,” said one commentor. “Any of us would be.”
Kevin W Smith
6/12/2019 03:38:46 pm
Wow must be nice to have a job where you don't have to show up and still get paid. Also to the members that are repeatedly missing these meetings why? Like what can be more important? You two members are costing people money time you are causing a business to go under before they even have a chance to start! As a tax payer in this village of Hesperia I personal demand an explanation from those to members. An I also call that if they can't show up and do their jobs they should be replaced by those who will!
Clyde C Crawford
6/15/2019 01:21:07 pm
The only pay the Council Members receive is for Attending the Meetings....No Show = No Pay
6/18/2019 09:24:54 pm
Two resignations, two no shows, and no quorum so no public meeting? Surely somebody knows what is fueling this public-be-damned arrogance. Comments are closed.
February 2025