Reminder! Time To Vote!
Do not forget to exercise your citizen rights while simultaneously meeting your citizen responsibility by taking a bit of time to head to the polls tomorrow, Tuesday, August 7th. There are issues on the ballot that need to be addressed via a vote of the people and selections for offices ranging from local to county to state to national are on tap depending on the side of the ballot you choose to make your marks. Near North Now will be delivering the results as they come in, so if you don’t already follow us on Facebook this is an opportune time to tune into our area’s online source for information, entertainment, viewpoints, fine features and a variety of other stuff we like to share. But more important than this shameless stab at self promotion is for you to vote. Put it on your phone or smart watch or calendar hanging up in the kitchen or even leave yourself a giant note at a spot generally visited as you start your day like the coffee pot or fridge with big letters saying VOTE TODAY! This is your latest opportunity to make a difference. And they usually give you a little sticker saying “I Voted” , a cool thing to be wearing on Election Day. Comments are closed.
September 2024