Fremont Area Community Foundation (FACF) presented a $400,000 grant to the Newaygo County Promise Zone Authority Board at their February 13 meeting.
This most recent award brings the Community Foundation’s total grant support of the Promise Zone to more than $650,000 over the past two years. Dr. Steve Witter, board member and fundraising chair for the Promise Zone, expressed the board’s gratitude for the Community Foundation’s grant support as well as the fundraising and marketing assistance FACF staff has provided during the Promise Zone’s launch. “The grant doesn’t encompass all the support Fremont Area Community Foundation has given us,” said Witter. “We would not be here today without that help and strategic partnership.” FACF President and CEO Carla Roberts was on hand to present the grant along with Vice President and Chief Philanthropy Officer Todd Jacobs, and Lindsay Hager, FACF board chair. Roberts noted that the Promise Zone aligns closely with the Community Foundation’s goal to increase postsecondary achievement in Newaygo County. “Thank you for letting us be a part of this campaign,” said Roberts. “We have been delighted to be part of this process. While our active role in the Promise Zone’s launch is now substantially completed, we look forward to continuing to partner with you as advisors and advocates of this wonderful opportunity for local students.” A $1.5 million fundraising goal had been set to fund scholarships and operations while awaiting the start of state tax capture funding in the Promise Zone’s third year. Witter reported that more than $1.3 million has been raised to date. Comments are closed.
February 2025