Newaygo County PAT Receives National Recognition
Newaygo County Parents as Teachers has earned a prestigious endorsement from Parents as Teachers National Center, Inc., (PATNC) as a Blue-Ribbon Affiliate, making it one of the top-performing home visiting affiliates within Parents as Teachers’ international network. The official designation was made October 24, 2022. Being named a Blue-Ribbon Affiliate affirms that Newaygo County Parents as Teachers is a high-quality member of the home visiting field, implementing the evidence-based Parents as Teachers model with fidelity. Families in the community are positively impacted by the services delivered by this program. The program includes home visits, group connections, child screening, and connections to community resources. It equips parents with knowledge and resources to prepare their children for a stronger start in life and greater success in school. “To earn the Blue-Ribbon Endorsement, we underwent a rigorous 15-month quality endorsement and improvement process, self-study and review from the National Center. The process confirms that we are meeting Parents as Teachers’ standards of fidelity and quality,” said Karen Clark, supervisor of the Parents as Teachers program. “Blue-Ribbon Affiliates are exemplary programs, delivering the highest quality services to children and families.” The Newaygo County team will be recognized in October 2023 at the International Parents as Teachers Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. Newaygo County Parents as Teachers is overseen by NC RESA and funded by grants through the Fremont Area Community Foundation and the Michigan Department of Education. Parents as Teachers (PAT) builds strong communities, thriving families, and children that are healthy, safe, and ready to learn. Our home visiting model is a proven and effective program that shows: • Children’s developmental delays and health problems are detected early. • Children enter kindergarten ready to learn, and the achievement gap is narrowed. • Children achieve school success into the elementary grades. • Parents improve their parenting knowledge and skills. • Parents are more involved in their children’s schooling. • Families are more likely to promote children’s language and literacy. • It prevents child abuse and neglect. Newaygo County Parents as Teachers has four experienced parent educators that serve approximately 100 families (prenatal – kindergarten) through monthly home visits. Each personal visit includes a focus on parent-child interaction, development centered parenting, and family well-being. For more information, or to enroll in the program, please call 231-652-3843.
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February 2025