![]() A Few Minutes With: Livingston Taylor Livingston Taylor began singing in coffee houses at a young age and has been delivering his music to audiences for over half a century. The singer, songwriter and professor at Berklee College of Music comes from a musical family that includes his well known recording artist brother James, and his sister Kate who, like Livingston, began her career playing coffee houses in the late 1960’s. He will be bringing his music to the Dogwood Center’s Main Stage Saturday night in what promises to be an intriguing evening of old standards and original material spanning a lengthy musical career. When N3 called for an interview he answered the phone with, “Livingston”. And after introductions were properly made we proceeded... ![]() Megan Again: Happiness Boomerang By Megan Wirts “Why are you doing this?” I was asked this question several times over the weekend and many times it was me asking myself. The answer was a little different each time, but always centered around a common theme, happiness, be it my happiness or other people’s happiness. Happiness was always the reason. This past weekend, I was honored to participate in Gilda’s Laughfest. Laughfest is a 10-day comedy festival that has been held in Grand Rapids since March 2011. It was created to celebrate “laughter for the health of it” and all proceeds go to benefit Gilda’s Club of Grand Rapids, a cancer and grief support community. As much as I was excited to be selected to participate, I was also incredibly nervous. That’s when the anxiety that lives inside of me... ![]() Home & Garden Show Heading Our Way Still time for vendors to sign up By N3 Entertainment Squad Ok, we got a little spot of winter weather lately but hey, it’s Mid March and no matter what happens over the next few days we are literally on the cusp of Spring. Yes Spring, when the outdoors comes alive, when folks begin to venture about their property with items other than a snow shovel in hand, and when all the plans and promises made during the dark of winter for house and yard can begin their path to fruition. And what better way to kick off this season than a trip to the annual River Country Chamber of Commerce Home & Garden Show? The event will be held at its usual site the Newaygo Middle School on Saturday April 22 from 9am-3pm and this year’s edition promises to... ![]() NCCA-Artsplace Photography Workshop honors Chris Caris Ten young people from throughout Newaygo County participated in a special four week photography workshop at NCCA-Artsplace. The workshop was initiated in 2009 to honor Chris Caris, the son of Ted and Jeannie Caris, an avid outdoorsman who enjoyed the art of photography while a student at Fremont High School. The classes were funded by the Christopher R. Caris Memorial Fund at the Fremont Area Community Foundation and taught by Chris Rosenberg of Fremont. Area art instructors and principals recommended students to participate in the class. Class participants included Daniel Colon and Lydia Geigle from White Cloud; Emily Jones and Grace Jones from Cornerstone Christian; Jackson Fair and Cody Routley from Fremont; Bella Cummings and Alexa Zudwig from Fremont Christian; and Matthew Hurrle and Jayden Joseph from Newaygo. Rosenberg provided specialized instruction to the budding photographers on 35 mm SLR cameras, composition, developing negatives, printing, and enlarging their own images. Photos from the class are on display in the NCCA-Artsplace Corridor Gallery through April 8. NCCA-Artsplace is located at 13 E. Main Street in downtown Fremont. Gallery hours are Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., with Thursday evenings until 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The Suggestion Box- Weekend Happenings
By N3 Entertainment team Friday is St Patrick’s Day and Newaygo Brewing Co. is helping you get in the spirit by dishing up some traditional bangers ‘n mash all weekend long In addition to their ever evolving selection of beverages, Chai-Goats (Oatmeal stout aged with Chai spices) will be tapped today (Friday) to give patrons a special St Patty’s Day treat. And we're certain you will fully enjoy the fresh baked soda bread served up with your bangers and created in the kitchens of Gala Gourmet across the street from NBCo. Makes you really love culinary collaboration doesn’t it? With her sardonic wit and ability to spin a compelling story from everyday life Megan Wirts has carved out a strong following for her column ‘Megan Again’ in the pages of N3. This weekend... ![]() Interview:A Few Minutes With Kevin Crawford of Lunasa Do you harbor a fondness for Irish music? Were you known to venture a bit to the south to catch one of the wonderful (and sorely missed) concerts at Fenian’s Pub in Conklin? Might you possess a tendency to make early autumn plans around the Irish Music Festival in Muskegon? Well, the Dogwood Center not only has a musical treat in store for you but a seasonal musical treat at that as the Irish group extraordinaire known as Lunasa will be providing some musical magic with a Sunday evening concert in the cozy confines of the Black Box. This renowned group of musical artists collaborates seamlessly with a sophisticated sound that breathes new life into traditional tunes. The group tours tirelessly bringing their music across the globe and just two days after St. Patrick's Day, that Celtic cornucopia of corned beef, cabbage and perhaps a pint or two, Lunasa will be coming to our fair climes. We caught up with Kevin Crawford who handles the musical duties on flute, penny whistle, low whistle and bohran to pose a few questions as the group traveled by bus toward Bristol Tennessee. With a gentle Irish brogue Kevin spoke about his own beginnings, the group, and the music they love. N3 – How did you start playing music? KC-I came by it in a different kind of way. I grew up in England so I didn’t have a lot of Irish musicians around me to drop in on and listen to. I mostly relied on recordings. My parents are both from the west of Ireland... ![]() Megan Again: A Piercing Story of Sophistication By Megan Wirts When I was a little girl there was a woman that went to my grandmother’s church that had her nose pierced. She had gone to Africa on a mission trip and came back with some nostril jewelry. With it being the 80’s and me being only 7 years old living in a small town, I had never in my life seen a person that had their nose pierced! She seemed exotic and sophisticated and I wondered how she blew her nose and if she blew it too hard would her nose ring pop out and fly across the room? I also knew that I needed to have my nose pierced someday. Even though I overheard some adults saying that it looked trashy and gross, or they would say things like, “Why would anyone want to put a hole in their face?!”, Still, I desperately wanted one. I had already convinced my parents... ![]() Review: The Lion The Witch & The Wardrobe By Megan Wirts C.S. Lewis is known for his magical tales or wonderment and fantasy, with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe being one of the most well-known and popular. The stage adaptation of this fantastical tale written by Joseph Robinette and directed by Mike Gesler, was brought to life this weekend by LionHeart Productions at the Dogwood Center for Performing Arts in Fremont. Don’t worry if you missed it, there are three more chances to see it at Grant Fine Arts Center March 24, 25 and 26. The first scene starts with the four siblings, Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter discovering the wardrobe that will lead them to the enchanting land of Narnia. The set design is lovely and lets your imagination run wild. The costumes and makeup of the colorful characters who... NCCA-Artsplace Celebrates “Youth Arts Month”
NCCA-Artsplace is celebrating “Youth Arts Month” during March. Artwork by youth in Newaygo County, grades K – 6, is on display through March 23 in three Newaygo County locations as part of an annual countywide art contest. The award winning artwork on exhibit features some up and coming young artists and their creative talents. First, second, third place artworks pieces are on display at NCCA - Artsplace. In addition, this year’s art contest judge Cara O’Brien chose artwork receiving honorable mention and special recognition awards that are on display at Hesperia Community Library and the Dogwood Center for Performing Arts’ lobby gallery. The theme for this year’s NCCA-Artsplace Youth Arts Competition was “Art Around the World.” This theme allowed for... ![]() Suggestion Box: Catch A Play, Corner A Potato By N3 Entertainment Cadre Ever been a part of Community Theater? If you have you will know what we’re talking about immediately, if you haven’t you really must try it if you want a truly unique experience that one rarely regrets. When considerably younger and less encumbered with other things I ventured onto the stage, beginning with an elementary school play, some middle school stuff and then high school performances (the theater ones not the in-class ones that yielded detention) and eventually roles with community theater groups in GR and Manistee. One of the best parts of the whole ordeal (because putting together a play is truly a lengthy and laborious process) is the distinctive... |
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